「白露」/鋁陽極處理,鏇壓成型手工鍛敲/17x17x25, 17x17x38 cm
"White dew"/aluminum anodized, press molding and manual forging
節氣系列                                                                                                  Solar-term Series
In order to make the metal light and color have the purest performance, the shape adopts  the low-limit "circle" or "square" and other geometric shapes. The circle is visually a closed space with an excellent focusing effect and it is philosophically regarded as the perfect and complete figure. The works "Morning and Evening", "White Dew", "Autumn Equinox", "Autumnal Harvest" and "Winter Solstice" come from the observation of the sky and nature color, the four seasons and rain or shine, dawn and dusk are the objects of materials. Happiness in life is the beauty you can feel while walking, living, sitting and lying down. The colors in the sky are transformed into anodized dye plates. Each set of artifacts or hammer, or brushing out different texture to rich different themes of material and color complement each other.
「秋分」/鋁陽極多層次染色,鏇壓成型手工鍛敲/15x15x38, 14x14x24, 17x17x38 cm
"Autumnal Equinox"/aluminum anode multi-layer dyeing, press molding and manual forging
「冬至」/鋁陽極多層次染色,鏇壓成型手工鍛敲/15x15x38, 15x15x24, 15x15x10 cm
"Winter Solstice"/aluminum anode multi-layer dyeing, press molding and manual forging
「秋實」/鋁陽極多層次染色,鏇壓成型手工鍛敲/15x15x10, 17x17x15, 17x17x24 cm
"Autumnal Harvest"//aluminum anode multi-layer dyeing, press molding and manual forging

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