2020 漆器上身-新層次3合創工藝展                 2020 Lacquerware to Go—A New Layer III Exhibition
2019年由竅門設計事務所負責人王俊隆擔任「新層次三」計畫主持人,邀請了以色列珠寶設計教母 Deganit Stern Schocken擔任國際總監,帶領6位國際設計師與3位台灣設計師,以漆藝為媒材,創作可穿戴的工藝作品,筆者也有幸受邀參與,因此對於工作營的過程記憶深刻。王俊隆角色像是帶隊嚮導,在輕鬆愉快的氛圍當中,引領著國際設計師發現台灣。猶記得2019年6月5日那天開啟了第一次工作營的進行,首日見面的自我介紹即是分享自己的創作理念與作品,在帶有各種外國腔調中的英文交談中見識了來自法國、以色列、德國、美國、菲律賓、韓國、台灣的各種設計,有建築、裝置、產品、配件、手工錶與金工,那日的見面會彷若出席一場國際設計盛宴。
In 2019, the responsible of Studio Qiao, Rock Wang took the leading role in the A New Layer III project. He invited Deganit Stern Schocken, the godmother of jewelry design in Israel, to be the international art director, leading six international and three Taiwanese designers to use lacquer as the medium to create wearable craftworks. I was fortunate to be invited, so I have vivid memories of the workshop. In a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, Mr. Wang acts as the tour guide and led international designers to discover Taiwan. I still remember it was June 5, 2019, when we had our first workshop. Upon the first meeting, with self-introduction we shared our creative ideas and works. Among the English exchanges with various foreign accents, I witnessed designs from France, Israel, Germany, United States, Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan, including architecture, installations, products, accessories, handmade watches, and metalwork. That meeting was like attending a feast of international design. 
2019 A New Layer 3 International Co-creation Workshop
2020 Lacquerware to Go—A New Layer III Exhibition
2020 層次對話-合創工作營                                 2020 Conversation Pieces–Co-creation Workshop
花蓮文化創意園區饒富歷史的酒廠倉庫的展覽場中,十個人的創意就在此地碰撞發酵。沒有人知道最後釀出的成果為何,這是一場外人看起來輕鬆而場內的創作者燒腦的表演。指揮者為Matti Klenell,在疫情影響下擔任線上藝術總監,指揮著大夥進行創作對話。場中五張大型工作桌上演的就是一次次對話中的隻字片語,而參觀者,在這些大型工作桌旁徘徊,好奇的想從這些個材質斷片當中摸索創意的脈絡,就如同創作者本身也在對話過程當中傾聽合創者的聲音,試圖在這個已經被指揮者編寫配對的關係中重新調音,試探自己慣性創作外是否有可能與他人合奏而取得共鳴。
The conductor was Matti Klenell. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he was the online art director, directing the participants to engage in creative conversations. On the five large working tables, fragments of conversations were on display. Visitors lingered around those large tables, curious to grope some creative context from those fragments and materials. During the conversation, creators listened to the voices of the co-creators, trying to re-tune from the pairing composed by the conductor and to see if besides one’s habitual creation, whether it was possible to form an ensemble with others to achieve resonance. 
2020 Conversation Pieces–Co-creation Workshop
2020年新的篇章「層次對話-合創工作營」五位設計師及五位工藝師,在花東層層的海岸山脈、壯闊的太平洋與耀眼的陽光見證之下,完成碰撞的發想與各式藝術創作,共同合創成為想像飛翔的豐饒之地。整體視覺圍繞於花東的山水風景,層層堆疊的山鑾,如同合創所激盪的力量,各自體現其特色,其中主題的三個ICON 山、原民、田野,象徵著此地的豐饒與多元,更代表著屬於臺灣的生命力及 及人文魅力。
In the new chapter of 2020, "Level Dialogue-Co-Creation Work Camp", five designers and five craftsmen, under the witness of the coastal mountains, the magnificent Pacific Ocean and the dazzling sunshine in the east of Huadong, completed the collision of ideas and various artistic creations, and jointly created a fertile land for imagination to fly. The overall vision is centered on the landscape of Huadong. The mountains stacked on top of each other reflect their own characteristics, just like the forces inspired by Co-Creation. The three ICON mountains, the aboriginal people and the fields symbolize the abundance and diversity of this place, as well as the vitality and human charm of Taiwan. The convergence image of Taiwan's local craft and international cooperation is combined with the symbol of multiplication and the image of the sun, hoping to gather different ideas of the local craft and international design, and spread these ideas in the futur
Logo Design
Icon Design
Poster Design
指導單位/文化部     Supervisor/Ministry of Culture
主辦單位/國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心     Organizer/National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute

執行單位/羽耀科技股份有限公司     Executive production/FEASUN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
國際藝術總監/Matti Klenell     International Art Director/Matti Klenell
策展人(設計總監)/曾永玲     Design Director/Yung-Ling Tseng
執行總監/王意婷     Executive Director/ I-Ting Wang
合創營主持人/陳郁君、王意婷     Co-creation Workshop Director/Yu-Chun Chen,  I-Ting  Wang
專任助理/孫文詰     Research Assistant/Wen-Jie Sun
空間設計/曾永玲、周美儒     Exhibition Design/Yung-Ling Tseng、Mei-Ru Zhou
平面設計/江慶昇、凃姍妮     Graphic Design/Ching-Sheng Chiang 、Shan-Ni Tu

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